Saturday, February 22, 2014
Day 52
Last night I went to my competitors class for crossfit. My neighbor watched Natalie. I asked her to keep her up so I could put her to sleep. When I came through the door she ran to me and gave me a big hug. She then snuggles up with me! It was definitely her bed time.
Day 51
On Thursday I went to a wine and paint night with my girl friends. Caleb watched Natalie. She got to play with her neighbor friend! Those two are adorable together.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Day 50
I just want to have the best day of me lii-II-II-II-Fe! When this song came on today, Natalie sang the II II II parts! She loves to sing :)
Day 49
Back to work. It was a fun mini-vacation, but it on Tuesday it was back to the grind. At night before bed, Natalie danced around - there was no music on - but it was obvious she was dancing. She has a song in her head!
Day 48
We drove home. Luckily, we hit no traffic.
But, we stopped to have lunch and it took 2 hours!!! It was very slow service. The good news, Natalie was a good baby and waited patiently- with the help of my husband- since I was too hungry to even think!
Day 47
Today we visited Cal Poly's ag center. We got to see cows, horses, and pigs up close. When the cows would touch Natalie with their noses she would giggle hysterically.
Day 46
We went to Natalie's first official mommy and me gymnastics class!!!!!! She was awesome, and I had a blast! Plus, it was at my old gymnastics center!!
Day 45
It was a long car ride to SLO. But we stopped at our favorite place, Padaro Grill. It has a sand box and play area outside for kids, and the food is top notch! Natalie was adorable bouncing around and playing!
Day 44
I wasn't supposed to see Natalie this night until she was already in bed! But I did! That means I got to snuggle and read her a story before bed time.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Day 42
It was just a good toddler day. She was happy in the morning. I worked out in the back yard with my neighbor and while we worked out she had a blast with the neighbor boy :D. She ate her chicken and Brussel sprout dinner. We had a giggle fest in the bath tub. And she snuggled with me the whole time while she drank her milk. It was just a lovely day!
Day 41
Last night while we ate Natalie say on my husband's lap (she had already eaten). All of a sudden we see a hand fly to his plate - she stole Brussel sprouts!! Of all things :) pretty proud of my veggie eating baby!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Day 40
Natalie can now identify her belly, nose, hair, mouth, ears, feet, and fingers. And boy is it cute when she does it!! ❤
Day 39
Yesterday Natalie went to her first gymnastics birthday party! She had a blast!! She swung on the bars, played on the mats, and enjoyed being a toddler! I can't wait till March when I can sign her up for gymnastics classes!!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Day 38
While I was eating my breakfast, I was having Natalie point out her nose, belly, and other body parts. I wanted to film it. Once the camera was on she wouldn't do it! Instead she ducked and hid, then popped up! I said, "Are you playing peek-a-boo?" She hid again and I said peek-a-boo! And she popped up with a BIG smile! I did get that on film! Mommy win!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Day 35
After a bit over a week of pretty much eating yogurt and apple sauce, today she finally ate like herself! She had chicken tacos with avocado cheese and beans. Mmm. I think we are finally out of the teething baby phase for awhile! (Or so I hope)
Day 34
I stayed home sick. When Caleb brought Natalie home, she was so happy to see me! It was instant medicine!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Day 31
Last night I left after coaching crossfit with a massive headache. My husband was amazing. He played with her, fed her, and bathed her. Even with my headache, I had fun listening to them play in the bath.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Day 30
Life has returned to normal. Natalie and I read our favorite book - Barnyard Dance. Now she bounces with the bunny (can't leave the ground yet), struts with the duck, and spins with the chickens now cluck, cluck, cluck! ❤ I love watching her comprehend new words!
Day 29
Teething has taken over our loves for the past 3 days. Last night I saw the first signs of normalcy. During bath time she laughed and giggled and acted like herself. She also slept through the night for the first time in 3 days. Thank goodness teething is over- for now!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Day 28
Round two of teething. She was up for three hours. The only thing that made her fall asleep was my husband climbing into the crib with her and sleeping with her. Waking up and seeing them snuggling was adorable.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Day 27
Teething. Up all night, pain for both you and child. Exhaustion at work. Drool. One upside- she is extra cuddly!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Day 26
Somehow I did it all today. I was super mom. This hasn't happened since before Natalie was born. I finished dinners for the week, cleaned the house, took a nap (while Natalie napped of course), finished the laundry, and we went to the park as a family and enjoyed play time with Natalie. I feel like there was an extra hour in the day. I have never gotten that much done in a day before - and still feel relaxed!
Day 25
Natalie put my wedding shoes on yesterday and walked around the house. I better start saving now! ❤💍
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Day 24
Natalie has learned to put our shoes on. She likes to wear our shoes backwards and walk around the house!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Day 23
Getting into the car seat is quite a drag for a toddler. I have tried everything to get her to sit still from giving her her favorite toy, to smiling, to yelling, to crying. I know it is just a phase, but I am ready for this one to end! At least once she is in, she is fun in the car- today she said go for the first time, and continued to say go during the entire car ride.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Day 22
Usually our night time routine consists of reading a book, singing a song, during the song Natalie takes out her paci and gives me a kiss, I keep singing, then tell her I love her and say good night.
Tonight Natalie didn't take her paci out, but still wanted to give a kiss. She stuck her face out like a kiss, and I kissed her paci. She could tell there was something wrong. She kept trying to give me kisses with her paci in. I took her paci out, and she followed it with her mouth! After that she tried one more time to give a paci kiss, then she gave up, still confused.
Silly girl!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Day 21
Instead of going to the gym today, I came home and had a family day. There is a balance there between the two, and today needed to be a family day. Since the weather was nice, we played outside while my husband grilled the hamburgers I prepped this weekend.
Natalie had a blast in the sandbox that we turned into a ball pit. She threw out all the balls then put them back in. I, then, decided to take the trash cans up. While I was gone Natalie climbed into her wagon. When I got back I couldn't find her. I panic to my husband and ask where Natalie is. He calmly says, her wagon. Then I see her head pop out from the red wagon and say huh! She knows how to get my goat!
Day 20
Yesterday we went on a park adventure as a family. Natalie sure loves the park. This was the first time her daddy got to see her hanging & swinging on the bars. She loved it so much she even put her arms up and said ma (her word for more). Boy, does she love her bars!!
Day 19
For the past three Sunday's we have been going to church at North Coast. We have loved it there so far. Last Sunday when we dropped Natalie off, she said bye bye at the door and was off playing before we could say bye bye. She is growing up too fast!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Day 18
Yesterday I competed in my first crossfit competition. My husband came up with my daughter before the first WOD. I know there have been many article bashing crossfit, and I am the first one to say, find a fitness that works for you. (Just don't sit around!!) Crossfit happens to work for me. But, here's a reason why I stick to crossfit, that is different from the fitness aspect.
Many people talk about the community, the group feeling, the hard work outs that push their fitness. However, I stick with it to set an example for my daughter that strong is the new sexy! So many other gyms (not all) are focused on skinny, toned, lean. I am focused on the weight I will be lifting, and since joining crossfit I worry about looking in the mirror less. If I can teach my daughter that body image isn't everything, I will be so happy.
At the competition my favorite part of the day was between events and the time I got to spend with my daughter. We went to the grassy area, and I was tired, so I laid down. Natalie came up to me and body slammed me, which is something reserved for daddy. It was so cute. I reacted, and she did it over and over again. Then I sat up, and she gave me a kiss. My friend snapped a pic during the body slams!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Day 17
Now that she is getting older she is starting to recognize people! Last night, while looking at photos on our fridge, we asked her who certain people were. She was able to point out her Grammy and Grandpapa when we asked her where they were. She also pointed out her neighbor boyfriend ;) and of course her mama, dada, and puppy! I love all the things she is learning!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Day 16
After last nights craziness I was ready for the worse this morning, but Natalie was a perfect adorable kid this morning. She didn't beg for my food, or squirm when I put her clothes on. It was glorious! The simple things made me happy today.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Day 15
Trader Joe's is the best grocery store ever. At least to an exhausted momma and a terror of a toddler. As moms know, not every experience is lovely an pleasant, today was one of those days!
Let me start with the lesson I learned: go to the fruit aisle LAST (or what ever food your child loves).
We got our fruits and veggies first, as I am sure you know was my downfall. As shopping went on all my daughter wanted was strawberries. I figured a few couldn't hurt. About half way through the list a few had turned into about 6. So, I decided to switch to blueberries. I gave her a few and then set it in the top part of the cart, not fully closed. She reached for the blueberries, and they flew onto the floor!! Luckily, half we salvageable. And, a customer helped me pick them up. (Seriously best customer award to Trader Joe's too). We threw away the ones on the ground, and I put the half full blueberries in the cart (closed this time). Then a Trader Joe's worker came by and said that t was fine and that I could get a new packet. I politely told her it was fine since my daughter had eaten some, and was eating a few at that very moment! She said it was perfectly fine, and that they would donate the part that was fine. I said ok, and thank you. We got new blueberries.
I continued to finish shopping, while Natalie munched on strawberries (the only way to keep her still). She ate almost the entire pack!!! We had to get a second pack.
At least she chooses good, healthy food to eat. But, I definitely learned my lesson. Fruit aisle LAST!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Day 13
Little back history on me, I was a gymnast for many years, then a coach for almost 10 years.
After a long day at work, I decided to whisk Natalie away to the park. She went on a beeline for the bars! Then she hung from them and swung! She even let me pull her tummy to the bar to do a small pull over! She giggled like crazy at that. Needless to say, I was a proud mama! I have a future gymnast on my hands!! 😉
Day 14
While playing in the bath tub tonight I asked Natalie where her nose was. For the first time (without me pointing first) she pointed to her nose!! Then I asked her where her ears were, and she pointed to them too!! Then I asked her where her shoulders were, and she said looked confused. We haven't covered that yet!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Day 12
Learning how to kiss is fun, but learning how to kiss your dog is even better. She has done this before (given the dog kisses) but this time she did it on command! It is also wonderful when she can hug on command too!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Day 11
For Natalie's first birthday we got her a slide with a boat attached to it, that could be filled with water or sand. We thought we would be creative and fill it with plastic balls from a ball pit. Tonight she was playing around her boat. She sat on the edge of the boat with her back to the ball pit. And just fell back. She giggled loudly, and climbed out to the slide. She slid down and had the best smile on her face.
On a side note, she gave her Grammy and Grandpapa a kiss over FaceTime today!
Day 10
Yesterday Caleb and I went on a date night. We had a military sponsored babysitter. They were very impressed by her eating skills! They loved how she ate everything we gave her, apples, veggies & meat. That's Natalie! She loves to eat, and eat, and eat!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Day 9
Daddy daughter time is my favorite time of day. He is able to play with her in a different way than I am. Yesterday, they were playing in the backyard, chasing each other up and down the lawn. However, my favorite part was when they were playing in her slide/ball pit. She would take the covering for the ball pit and cover him up, then lift the cover and laugh! Her own version of peek a boo!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Day 8
After picking Natalie up at day care, we were in the car getting strapped in. I usually give her a toy while we drive. I have her her cell phone, and she politely said no. I gave her we book, no. I gave her a shoe, no. I gave her a stuffed animal, no. I reach into my lunch box that has an empty plastic snap ware. She grabbed that and gave me a huge smile. I think I chose right 😄
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Day 7
Today Natalie sang in the car. Or at least it seemed like she was singing! The radio was on, her voice was louder and softer, and had different pitches. It was too cute!
Day 6
I went back to work yesterday. It is always hard, but I just count down to the next break (in two weeks).
Natalie loves to climb the stairs, and we have a fun "I'm gonna get you game." Yesterday she was climbing up the stairs, and I was chasing her, saying I'm gonna get you! She laughs hysterically, and starts to crawl because she can no longer walk. She is too funny!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Day 5
Today while we were out to lunch a young girl came up to us and told us we were good parents. It made our day! :) Especially because taking a toddler to a restaurant is quite possibly the hardest thing you will ever do. You typically wish for the days when your child would sleep in the car seat and you could actually talk to your spouse.
Also, I took Natalie to the park today with our neighbor and our dogs. The dogs would run very fast and she would crack up! It amazes me what she finds hilarious.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Day 4
Lately Natalie has loved to share everything. Today she shared all her food with me and her baba. Two nights ago she shared her toothbrush. What is with her and licking me tonight? Yuck! She even shares germs too! Eew! I hope this sharing continues- maybe not the toothbrush & germs one though.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Life with a toddler
This year Natalie is now a toddler. As moms know, toddlerhood equals a crazy run around life with many melt downs. It is exhausting!
This year, I will attempt to write down one thing she did during the day, hopefully all will be positive, though I bet some will be a little silly.
One of my coworkers told me he did this with his kids, and he loves to look back at it. I hope to be able to look back and enjoy these posts.
(Previous posts)
January 1st
Tonight while reading Natalie's favorite book, comprehension began! I said stomp your feet (and she did) clap your hands (clap, clap!), everybody ready for a barnyard dance! Bow to the horse (she bows), bow to the cow (bows again), twirl with the pig if you know how (and she twists at her waist from side to side).
January 2nd
While taking a bath, Natalie loves to press her face against the glass and make funny faces. Tonight I snuck around the glass and boo'ed her. She laughed so hysterically. We continued in this manner till the end of bath time.
January 3rd
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