I found that this was one of the best ways to make students learn how to use their brains, and actually respond to questions even if they weren't ready to be "called on." It also allows my students, to not give up, and give the stock answer "I don't know," even if they really know the answer the question - or just need time.

The second response allows students to think about the question, and I have found that the rest of my class will think about it too.
The third response allows the students to use the notes they have already written, and gives them a second chance to review, which is always great because it means they can use their notes to study from later!
Finally, my student's favorite, "Can I ask a friend?". There are 2 parts to this response. The students ask a friend (part 1), but they have to either repeat, or rephrase what their friend said in their own words (part 2). This way you know they are listening to they answer, and have at least processed it through their brain. If they cannot hear the answer, or just need it repeated, they say, "Can you repeat what you said?" I have found that this is the BEST way to get my students to listen to each other, which can be a struggle at times!
I love these responses because it does not allow my students to give up, and they have to try with every question, and pay attention to every question. At first it is tough because some of the students are apprehensive, but once the rules have been established they thrive!
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