This summer has been a whirl wind of fun! Once school was out, I was quickly whisked away on a plane to visit my best friend in Hawaii. Needless to say, it was a blast! After a few days of unpacking (which I still need to finish) and rest, I went up to my hometown for my family baby shower. Now, I am home, and finally ready to craft! I started my first craft today, so that I could better organize my favorite, decorative hair pins.
After scouring pinterest, I found a craft I wanted to recreate. The frame with the back taken out and replaced with ribbon. The final product looked like this:
Here are the steps I took:
1) I took out the back of the frame, the glass, and whatever was left over.
2) I used a hot glue gun to hot glue the ribbon onto the back of the frame.
3) After glueing on four ribbons I was done!
It was truly simple. Probably the easiest craft I have ever done.
Then I hung it in my bathroom and added my hair pins!
Seriously adorable and made my day! I have more room to buy more hair pins - won't my husband be excited for that...